The video opens with an introduction to Arnika Tamatoa, the New Faces female booker for the Elite Model Management agency in Toronto. Alecia Bell, President of the agency discusses Elite’s main goals – to always be scouting for the next top model. Dallas Bugera is one of the scouts for the agency and he discusses how Open Call Day allows amateur and would-be models to come in and strut their stuff. The women are measured and the skills noted. Some catch the eye of Alecia Bell, who gushes about how the whole development process of discovering a new face and bringing out the model’s potential still excites her.Stacey Dort is the only booker at Elite that works exclusively with the male models. She is shown cautioning a male model on how different designers will want to him to have a certain look or pose to get to the true meaning and theme of a shoot. She tells Fashion One viewers that she can easily tell when a model comes into Elite as to whether he has the potential or not. What will set a potential model apart from the others is his personality and creative attitude. Elite Model Management wants models that have an enthusiastic outlook and positive nature.
Riley is one of the models that have been at the agency for 7 years. Stacey discusses how amazing it was to watch the transformation from amateur to professional model. It’s clear from the video that this agency cares for its employees as well as the face their models put on the fashion industry. Each model represents the sole of the company and so care and attention is put into the process of maturing a no-name entity into a model with the potential to make both him or herself a great career as well as continue the forward momentum of the Elite Model Management Agency.