Fashion One features Jessica Mitrani wins the Grand Prize at the international Fashion Film Festival
Diane Pernet, emblematic figure of the fashion world celebrates 5 years of the international fashion film festival she founded and which takes place every year at the Centre Pompidou in Paris, and then in many other countries (Bilbao, Tokyo, Sydney, etc). Documentaries, clips or adverts; 101 films screened and 8 awarded by a high leveled jury (Dominique Issermann, Tim Blanks, Michel Gaubert, Colin McDowell) and chaired by artist, ORLAN. The fashion video : 1 genre that pleases more and more and attracts photographers, artists and new talents.
This year, it's the New York director Jessica Mitrani who wins the Grand Prize of the Festival with her "Headpieces for Peace" film, in which with skill she mixes fashion, politics and humour.
Diane Pernet : With the festival I really wanted to show the kind of play of ways you can express fashion through film. And it's interesting because in the last 2 years, the whole idea of making a fashion film has just exploded, so I think it's interesting to give a possibility to a lot of emerging talents, but in order to get an interest in an emerging talent you have to have names of established talents and anyway the emerging talent often grows into the established talent whether it's fashion or film.
Fashion film is so important on many levels, also financially every brand is using fashion films now. The agents kind of force the still photographers or fashion photographers into taking a video camera, and it's not necessarily the way it should go, so I like to see it on all levels, I like to see an artist interpret fashion, I like to see the photographers who make the transition or I like to see film makers that had no strong interest in fashion to start with, but you can be a great film maker, not know anything about fashion, you just get a good stylist and you make a great film as a great film.
Jessica Mitrani : I was invited to Tel Aviv to do something about peace in the Middle East so that's why it came to mind, to do something about women and identity, with or without hair. Fashion is also politics so for me it was very important to express that in the film.